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Unit 4

/* 1. Write a program to implement Simple Queue operations

using Array and Linked List.



• Traversal (display)


/** Using Array **/


#define max 3

int queue[max];

int front=-1;

int rear=-1;

void addque()


    int val;

    printf("enter the value :");




        printf("\nQueue is overflow.");








int delque()


    int temp;



        printf("\nQueue is underflow.");

        return 0;









    return temp;


void display()


    for(int i=front;i<=rear;i++)

     printf("%d ", queue[i]);


int main()


    int ch,val;



        printf("\n1.Add Queue:");

        printf("\n2.Delete Queue:");

        printf("\n3.Display Queue:");


        printf("\nEnter your choice:");






        else if(ch==2)


            printf("%d is removed element.",delque());


        else if(ch==3)




        else if(ch==4)


            printf("\nGood bye");



            printf("\ninvalid input:");



/** Using Linked List **/




struct node


    int data;

    struct node *next;


struct node *front;

struct node *rear;

void addqueue()


    struct node *ptr;

    int item;

    ptr = (struct node *) malloc (sizeof(struct node));

    if(ptr == NULL)







        printf("\nEnter value : ");


        ptr -> data = item;

        if(front == NULL)


            front = ptr;

            rear = ptr;

            front -> next = NULL;

            rear -> next = NULL;




            rear -> next = ptr;

            rear = ptr;

            rear->next = NULL;




void dequeue()


    struct node *ptr;

    if(front == NULL)







        ptr = front;

        front = front -> next;




void display()


    struct node *ptr;

    ptr = front;

    if(front == NULL)


        printf("\nEmpty queue\n");



    {   printf("\nprinting values\n");

        while(ptr != NULL)


            printf("\n%d\n",ptr -> data);

            ptr = ptr -> next;




void main ()


    int choice;

    while(choice != 4)


        printf("\n1.Add Queue:");

        printf("\n2.Delete Queue:");

        printf("\n3.Display Queue:");


        printf("\nEnter your choice : ");

        scanf("%d",& choice);



            case 1:



            case 2:



            case 3:



            case 4:

                 printf("\nGood bye.....");



            printf("\nEnter valid choice??\n");





/* 2. Write a program to implement Circular Queue operations

Using Array.



• Traversal (display)



#define MAX 3

int queue[MAX];

int front=-1;

int rear=-1;

void add(int val)


    if((front == 0 && rear == MAX-1)||(rear+1==front))


        printf("\nQueue Is Full.");



    if(rear == MAX-1)




    if(front == -1)




int del()


    int tmp;

    if(front == -1)


      printf("\nQueue Is Empty.");

      return 0;



    if(front == rear)


    else if(front==MAX-1)




    return tmp;


void display()


   int i=0;



       printf("%d ",queue[i]);




int main()


    int val,ch;


        printf("\n1.Add Queue:");

        printf("\n2.Delete Queue:");

        printf("\n3.Display Queue:");


        printf("\nEnter Your Choice : ");




            case 1:printf("\nEnter The Value.. ");




            case 2:val=del();

                   printf("| %d | Is Deleted value\n",val);


            case 3:printf("\nEnter Elements Are: ");



            case 4:printf("\nGood Bye.........");


            default : printf("\nInvalid Choice.");


    }while(ch != 4);


/* 3. Write a program to implement following operations on

Binary Search Tree using Linked List.

• Creation

• Insertion

• Traversal( In-order, Pre-order, Post-order)


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

struct node {

  int item;

  struct node* left;

  struct node* right;


void inorderTraversal(struct node* root)


  if (root == NULL) return;


  printf("%d ->", root->item);



void preorderTraversal(struct node* root)


  if (root == NULL) return;

  printf("%d ->", root->item);




void postorderTraversal(struct node* root) {

  if (root == NULL) return;



  printf("%d ->", root->item);


struct node* createNode(value)


  struct node* newNode = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

  newNode->item = value;

  newNode->left = NULL;

  newNode->right = NULL;

  return newNode;


struct node* insertLeft(struct node* root, int value) {

  root->left = createNode(value);

  return root->left;


struct node* insertRight(struct node* root, int value) {

  root->right = createNode(value);

  return root->right;


int main()


  struct node* root = createNode(1);

  insertLeft(root, 12);

  insertRight(root, 9);

  insertLeft(root->left, 5);

  insertRight(root->left, 6);

  printf("Inorder traversal \n");


  printf("\nPreorder traversal \n");


  printf("\nPostorder traversal \n");

