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Unit 3

/* 1. Write a program to implement following operations in stack Using array and Linked List.





/**** Using Array ****/

#include <stdio.h>

int stack[100],i,j,choice=0,n,top=-1;

void main ()


    printf("Enter the number of elements in the stack : ");



    while(choice != 4)



        printf("\n Enter your choice : ");




            case 1:





            case 2:





            case 3:





            case 4:





            case 5:







                printf("Please Enter valid choice ");





void push ()


    int val;

    if (top == n )

    printf("\n Overflow");



        printf("Enter the value : ");


        top = top +1;

        stack[top] = val;



void pop ()


    if(top == -1)



    top = top -1;


void peep()


int item = 0;

if(top == -1)






item = stack[top];




void display()


    for (i=top;i>=0;i--)




    if(top == -1)


        printf("Stack is empty");



/**** Using Linked List ****/


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

struct node


int val;

struct node *next;


struct node *head;

void main ()


    int choice=0;

    while(choice != 4)



        printf("\nEnter your choice : ");




            case 1:





            case 2:





             case 3:





            case 4:





            case 5:







                printf("Please Enter valid choice ");





void push ()


    int val;

    struct node *ptr = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

    if(ptr == NULL)


        printf("not able to push the element");




        printf("Enter the value");




            ptr->val = val;

            ptr -> next = NULL;





            ptr->val = val;

            ptr->next = head;



        printf("Item pushed");



void pop()


    int item;

    struct node *ptr;

    if (head == NULL)






        item = head->val;

        ptr = head;

        head = head->next;


        printf("Item popped");



int peep(int pos)


    struct node* ptr = head;

    for (int i = 0; (i < pos-1 && ptr!=NULL); i++)


        ptr = ptr->next;



        return ptr->val;



        return -1;



void display()


    int i;

    struct node *ptr;


    if(ptr == NULL)


        printf("Stack is empty\n");




        printf("Printing Stack elements \n");




            ptr = ptr->next;





/* 2. Write a program to implement Evaluation of given postfix expression. */



#define MAX 100

float st[MAX];

int top=-1;

void push(float val)




        printf("\nStack Overflow:");






float pop()


    float tmp;



        printf("\nStack Underflow:");

        return '0';




    return tmp;


float evalpostfixexpr(char *exp)


    int i=0;

    float op1, op2, value;













            case '+':



             case '-':



             case '*':



             case '/':



             case '%':










void main() {

    float val;

    char exp[MAX];

    printf("Enter Any Postfix Expression:");


    printf("\nValue of the Postfix Expression is:");




/* 3. Write a program to implement conversion of infix expression into postfix expression (parentheses and non parentheses). */



#define MAX 100

char st[MAX];

int top=-1;

void display()


    int i;






void push(char val)




        printf("\nStack Overflow:");






char pop()


    char tmp;



        printf("\nStack Underflow:");

        return '0';




    return tmp;


int getPriority(char op)



        return 3;

    else if(op=='/' || op =='*' )

        return 2;

    else if(op=='%')

        return 1;


        return 0;


void infixtopostfix(char *source, char *target)


    int i=0,j=0;

    char tmp;

    while(source[i] != '\0')







        else if(source[i]==')')


            while((top==-1) || st[top]!='(')







                printf("\nInvalid Expression:");



            tmp=pop(); //Removing left parenthesis



        else if(isdigit(source[i]) || isalpha(source[i]))






        else if(source[i]=='+' || source[i]=='-' || source[i]=='*' || source[i]=='%' || source[i]=='/')


            while((top!=-1) && (st[top] != '(') && (getPriority(st[top]) >= getPriority(source[i])))










            printf("\nInvalid Expression:");




    while((top != -1) && (st[top]!='('))







void main()


    char infix[MAX], postfix[MAX];

    printf("Enter Any Infix Expression:");


    infixtopostfix(infix, postfix);

    printf("\nCorresponding postfix expression is:");



/* 4. Write a program to implement recursion. */

/* 5. Write a program to reverse the string using the stack */




#define MAX 10

int stack[MAX];

int top=-1;

 void push (char val)


     if ( top==MAX-1)


         printf("\nStack is overflow:");

         return ;





 char pop()


     char temp;

     if( top==-1)

       return ' ';





    return temp;



 int main()


     int i;

     char name[10],ch;

     printf("\nEnter your name :");


     for (i=0; name[i]!='\0';i++)




printf("\nReverse String is :");

while(top!= -1)


