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Unit 3

/* Create a Singly Linked List with following functionalities:

• Insert an element at the end of the list.

• Insert an element at the beginning of the list.

• Delete an element from the list.

• Display all the elements of the list.

• Insert an element before key value.

• Insert an element after key value.

• Sort a list.

• Reverse a list.




struct node


    int data;

    struct node *next;

} *first=NULL;

void create()


    struct node *curr;

    int i,val;

    printf("\nEnter Number of Nodes:");

    scanf("%d", &val);

    if(val < 1)


        printf("Invalid Argument:");







            first=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));





            curr->next=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));



        printf("Enter Value:");

        scanf("%d", &curr->data);




/** Display all the elements of the list **/

void display()


    struct node *curr;



        printf("Link-List is Empty:");






        printf("%d-->", curr->data);




/** Insert an element at the end of the list **/

void insatend(int val)


    struct node *new1, *curr;

    if(first == NULL)


        printf("Link-List is Empty:");



    new1=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));








/** Insert an element at the beginning of the list **/

void insatbeg(int val)


    struct node *new1;

    if(first == NULL)


        printf("Link-List is Empty:");



     new1=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));





/** Insert an element after key value **/

void insaft(int key, int val)


    struct node *curr, *new1;



        printf("\nLink-List is Empty:");



    new1=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));




    while(curr!=NULL && curr->data!=key )




        printf("\nKey does not Exists:");






/** Insert an element before key value **/

void insbfr(int key, int val)


    struct node *curr, *prev, *new1;

    if(first == NULL)


        printf("\nLink-List is Empty:");



    new1=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

    new1->data =val;

    new1->next =NULL;








    while(curr!=NULL && curr->data!=key)







        printf("\nKey does not Exists:");






/** Delete an element from the list **/

void delnode(int val)


    struct node *curr, *prev;



        printf("\nLink-List is Empty:");










    while(curr!=NULL && curr->data != val)







        printf("\nValue doesn't Exists:");



    prev->next = curr->next;



/** Sort a list **/

void sortlnklst()


    struct node *i, *j;

    int tmp;

    if(first == NULL)


        printf("\nLink-List is Empty:");




    while(i->next !=NULL)





            if(j->data < i->data)











/** Reverse a list **/

struct node * reverselnklst(struct node *d)


   struct node *tmp;

   if(d->next ==NULL)



       return d;




   return d;


void main()


    int val, key, ch;

    struct node *tmp;




        printf("\n 1. Create:");

        printf("\n 2. Display:");

        printf("\n 3. Insert At End:");

        printf("\n 4. Insert At Begin:");

        printf("\n 5. Insert After:");

        printf("\n 6. Insert Before:");

        printf("\n 7. Delete:");

        printf("\n 8. Sort:");

        printf("\n 9. Reverse:");

        printf("\n 10.Exit:");


        printf("\n Enter Your Choice:");

        scanf("%d", &ch);





        else if(ch==2)





        else if(ch==3)


            printf("\nEnter Value:");

            scanf("%d", &val);



         else if(ch==4)


            printf("\nEnter Value:");

            scanf("%d", &val);



        else if(ch==5)


            printf("\nEnter Key:");

            scanf("%d", &key);

            printf("\nEnter Value:");

            scanf("%d", &val);

            insaft(key, val);


         else if(ch==6)


            printf("\nEnter Key:");

            scanf("%d", &key);

            printf("\nEnter Value:");

            scanf("%d", &val);

            insbfr(key, val);


        else if(ch==7)


            printf("\nEnter Value to DELETE:");

            scanf("%d", &val);



        else if(ch==8)




        else if(ch==9)





        else if(ch==10)


            printf("\nGood Bye:");





            printf("\nInvalid Choice:");


