• Click below to download Unit 2 programs in pdf file: -


/* 1.Write a program to accept number of seconds and display its

corresponding hours, minutes and seconds.*/


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


            int sec, h, m, s;

            printf("Input seconds: ");

            scanf("%d", &sec);


            h = (sec/3600);


            m = (sec -(3600*h))/60;


            s = (sec -(3600*h)-(m*60));


            printf("H:M:S - %d:%d:%d\n",h,m,s);


            return 0;




/* 2. Write a C program to find the maximum from given three

numbers (Using Nested IF).*/


#include <stdio.h>


int main() {


  double n1, n2, n3;


  printf("Enter three different numbers: ");

  scanf("%lf %lf %lf", &n1, &n2, &n3);


  if (n1 >= n2 && n1 >= n3)

    printf("%.2f is the largest number.", n1);


 else if (n2 >= n1 && n2 >= n3)

    printf("%.2f is the largest number.", n2);


  else if (n3 >= n1 && n3 >= n2)

    printf("%.2f is the largest number.", n3);


  return 0;




/* 3. Write a C program to find that the accepted no is Negative,

Positive or Zero.*/



int main()


 int no;

 printf("\n Enter any number : ");




  printf("\n Entered Number is Zero");


 else if(no>0)


  printf("\n Entered Number is Positive");




  printf("\n Entered Number is Negative");


 return 0;




/* 4. Write a program to check given year is a Leap year or not.*/


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


    int y;


    printf("Enter year: ");



    if(y % 4 == 0)


        if( y % 100 == 0)


            if ( y % 400 == 0)

                printf("%d is a Leap Year", y);


                printf("%d is not a Leap Year", y);



            printf("%d is a Leap Year", y );



        printf("%d is not a Leap Year", y);


    return 0;




/* 5. Write a C program to find minimum from given 3 numbers (Using

Conditional Operator).*/




void main()


   int a,b,c,small;


   printf("Enter Three Number\n");

   scanf("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c);


   small = a<b?a<c?a:c:b<c?b:c;


   printf("Smallest Among 3 Number is : %d",small);





/* 6. Write a C program to find the maximum from given three

numbers (Without using Nested if, or Logical Operator, Or

Conditional operators).*/


#include <stdio.h>

void main()


    int a,b,c;

    printf("enter the three numbers");


    printf("the biggest value is %d",(a>b&&a>c?a:b>c?b:c));




/* 7. Take marks from the user and print grade accordingly( >=75

marks – Distinction, <75 and >=60 marks – First, <60 and >=50 –

Second, <50 and >=35 – Pass, <35 – Fail) using if … else if….else

statement and also by using logical operators).*/




int main()


 int marks;

 printf("\n Enter Marks between 0-100 :");



 if(marks>100 || marks <0)


  printf("\n Your Input is out of Range");


 else if(marks>=75)


  printf("\n You got Distinction");


 else if(marks<75 && marks>=60)


  printf("\n You got First Class");


 else if(marks<60 && marks>=50)


  printf("\n You got Second Class");


 else if(marks<50 && marks>=35)


  printf("\n Pass");




  printf("\n You got Fail");


 return 0;




/* 8. Take 2 numbers from the user and print the greater number

(Number can be equal).*/



#include <stdio.h>

int main()


    int num1, num2;


    printf("Please Enter Two different values\n");


    scanf("%d %d", &num1, &num2);

    if(num1 > num2)


        printf("%d is Largest\n", num1);


    else if (num2 > num1)


        printf("%d is Largest\n", num2);




        printf("Both are Equal\n");


    return 0;




/* 9. Write a program to check whether the blood donor is eligible or

not for donating blood. The conditions laid down are as under. Use

if statement.

a) Age should be above 18 yrs but not more than 55 yrs.*/


#include <stdio.h>


void main()


            int age,w;

            printf("enter age : ");



            if(age>18 && age<55)






        printf("Not eligible");





/* 10. Write a program to calculate bill of a job work done as follows.

Use if else statement.

a) Rate of typing 3 Rs/page

b) Printing of 1st copy 5Rs/pages & later every copy 3Rs/page.

The user should enter the number of pages and print out copies

he/she wants.*/





void main()



    int coppy, pages, tycost, prcost, fprcost, oprcost, total;


    printf("\n Enter Number Of Pages::");



    printf("\n Enter Number Of Coppy::");


















            printf("\n total cost of Job work is %d",total);





/* 11. The ABC Insurance Company Ltd. Offers the following three

categories of car insurance policy to car owners:

• Category A, here the basic premium is calculated as 2% of the

car’s value.

• Category B, here the basic premium is calculated as 3% of the

car’s value.

• Category C, here the basic premium is calculated as 5% of the

car’s value. */




void main()


    float value, insu;

    char type;


    printf("\n Enter the Insurance type:");



    printf("\n Enter the value of car ::");







    else if(type=='b')




    else if(type=='c')




    printf("\n %f is The Insurance value",insu);




/* 12. Write a program to implement calculator using switch case */


#include <stdio.h>


int main() {


  char op;

  double first, second;

  printf("Enter an operator (+, -, *, /): ");

  scanf("%c", &op);

  printf("Enter two operands: ");

  scanf("%lf %lf", &first, &second);


  switch (op)


    case '+':

      printf("%.1lf + %.1lf = %.1lf", first, second, first + second);



    case '-':

      printf("%.1lf - %.1lf = %.1lf", first, second, first - second);



    case '*':

      printf("%.1lf * %.1lf = %.1lf", first, second, first * second);



    case '/':

      printf("%.1lf / %.1lf = %.1lf", first, second, first / second);




      printf("Error! operator is not correct");

