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Unit 1

/* 1. Write a program to calculate the area of circle, rectangle and square using function overloading. */


using namespace std;

int area(int);

int area(int,int);

float area(float);

int main()


        int s,l,b;

        float r;

        cout<<"Enter side of a square:";


        cout<<"Enter length and breadth of rectangle:";


        cout<<"Enter radius of circle:";


        cout<<"Area of square is : "<<area(s);

        cout<<"\nArea of rectangle is : "<<area(l,b);

        cout<<"\nArea of circle is : "<<area(r);


int area(int s)




int area(int l,int b)




float area(float r)




/*2 Write a program to demonstrate the use of default arguments

in function overloading. */


using namespace std;

int sum(int a,int b,int c=150,int d=250)


    return (a+b+c+d);


int main()






/*3 Write a program to demonstrate the use of returning a

reference variable.*/


using namespace std;

int y;

int &bca4gu()


    return y;


int main()


    bca4gu() = 100;

    cout << y;


/* 4. Create a class student which stores the detail about roll no,name, marks of 5 subjects, i.e.

science, Mathematics, English,C, C++. The class must have the following:

• Get function to accept value of the data members.

• Display function to display values of data members.

• Total function to add marks of all 5 subjects and Store it in the data members named total.





using namespace std;

class student



    int roll,sci,math,eng,c,c2,total;

    char name[15];


    void get()


        cout<<"Enter your roll Number : ";


        cout<< "Enter your Name : ";


        cout<< "Enter your 5 subjects marks : "<<endl;

        cout<< "Science : ";


        cout<< "Mathematics : ";


        cout<< "English : ";


        cout<< "C : ";


        cout<< "C++ : ";



void total1()





    void display()


    cout<<"Your Details is : "<<endl;

    cout<<"Roll Number : "<<roll<<endl;

    cout<<"Student Name is : "<<name<<endl;

    cout<<"Marks of 5 Subject is given below : "<<endl;

    cout<<endl<< "Science : "<<sci;

    cout<<endl<< "Mathematics : "<<math;

    cout<<endl<< "English : "<<eng;

    cout<<endl<< "C : "<<c;

    cout<<endl<< "C++ : "<<c2;

    cout<<endl<< "Total marks is : "; total1();

    cout<<endl <<endl<<endl;



int main()


    student xy;

    student ab;






/* 5. Create a function power() to raise a number m to power n.

the function takes a double value for m and int value for n,

and returns the result correctly. Use the default value of 2

for n to make the function calculate squares when this

argument is omitted. Write a main that gets the values of m

and n from the user to test the function. */




using namespace std;

double power(double m,int n=2);

int main()


    double ans,m,n;

    char choice;

    cout<< "Enter the value of M= :";


    cout<<"Do you want to consider default value ? (Y/N)";


    if(choice=='y' || choice=='Y')



        cout<<"the power of "<<m<<" is "<<ans;




        cout<< "Enter the value of N: ";



        cout<< "the power of " <<m<< " is "<<ans;



double power(double m,int n)


    double ans;


    return ans;


/* 6. Write a basic program which shows the use of scope

resolution operator. */

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

char a = 'y';

int b = 15;

int main()


   char a = 'b';

   cout << "The static variable : "<< ::b;

   cout << "\nThe local variable : " << a;

   cout << "\nThe global variable : " << ::a;


/* 7. Write a C++ program to swap the value of private data

members from 2 different classes. */


using namespace std;

class Swap


    int a,b,tmp;


    Swap(int a,int b)





    friend void swap(Swap&);


void swap(Swap& m1)


    cout<<"Before Swapping :"<<m1.a<<" "<<m1.b;




    cout<<endl<<"After Swapping :"<<m1.a<<" "<<m1.b;


int main()


    Swap m(10,20);


    return 0;


/* 8. Write a program to illustrate the use of this pointer. */


using namespace std;

class thisp


int a;


void setdata(int a)




    void disp()





int main()


thisp y1;




/* 9. An election is contested by five candidates. The candidates are numbered 1 to 5 and the voting is done by marking the candidate number on the ballot paper. Write a program to read the ballots and count the votes cast for each candidate using an array variable count. In case a number is read outside the range of 1 to 5, the ballot should be considered as a ‘spoilt ballot’ and the program should also count the number of spoilt ballots. */


using namespace std;

int main()


    int m[5]={0,0,0,0,0};

    int n,vote,sb=0,i;

    cout<< "Enter the Number of votes : ";




        cout<< "Enter your vote : ";




            case 1:m[0]++;


            case 2:m[1]++;


            case 3:m[2]++;


            case 4:m[3]++;


            case 5:m[4]++;


            default : sb++;



    cout<<endl<<"Results is given below";



        cout<<endl<<"Candidate " << i+1<<" : "<<m[i];


        cout<<endl<<"Spoiled Ballots : "<<sb;


/* 10. Write a program to call member functions of class in the main function using pointer to object and pointer to member function. */


using namespace std;

class test



    int a;

    int b;

void setdata()





void display()


    cout<<"a : "<<a<<endl<<"b : "<<b;



int main()


test b1;






    test *p;




